3D models and mixed reality (XR) simulations in healthcare serve multiple purposes, enhancing education, assessment, training, research, and patient safety. They improve teaching, clinical competence, and communication among healthcare professionals, simplifying complex healthcare systems. Co-applicants previously received a grant titled Uppbygging á færni- og hermikennslu í heilbrigðisvísindum á Íslandi to expand UI, UA, Landspitali, and Saks simulation center facilities. This grant now aims to integrate 3D models and VR simulations into their educational programs.
In healthcare, 3D printing begins with acquiring medical images with Computed Tomography or Magnetic Resonance Imaging of a specific area, followed by 3D modeling and printing of the anatomy. This technology enhances doctor and nurse training, surgical planning, and patient communication. It can also create custom tools tailored to a patient’s unique anatomy. 3DP and XR technologies are revolutionizing healthcare, but integration challenges exist. Heilbrigðistæknisetur is pioneering, internationally recognized, in 3DP solutions for surgical planning, serving the Icelandic healthcare since 2005. In 2022, the Icelandic Center for Additive Manufacturing (ICAAM) was established and equipped with the most advanced technologies in this field. This renovated collaborative effort aims to enhance 3DP with XR infrastructure and education, elevating Iceland's healthcare and research globally. This project is the result of a unique opportunity to realize this vision supported by the Minister of Higher Education: collaboration among Icelandic healthcare education providers is crucial. This project will significantly impact health education in Iceland, fostering technological advancement and innovative educational tools for training and simulation. The project aims to reduce education costs by internally 3D printing and simulation of components, saving expenses compared to purchasing from overseas companies for simulation and XR based education. It has three main objectives: